Elder scrolls ebony armor
Elder scrolls ebony armor

elder scrolls ebony armor

There is a special type of Raw Ebony, ID: ingred_Dae_cursed_raw_ebony_01, which can be found as offerings in Daedric shrines. If you have the Tribunal expansion, you can use it to have Ebony Armor crafted for you by Bols Indalen at the Craftsmen's Hall in Godsreach.

elder scrolls ebony armor

However, its comparatively high value can make it worth the effort if you're up to it. The other hindrance to this practice is that Raw Ebony is relatively heavy. Mines are the best place to find the substance, though you have to keep an eye out for witnesses when you steal it. Raw Ebony can also be found in barrels and other containers in Dwemer ruins, though these are less predictable. It is only sold by two vendors with limited supplies of it *, though all who buy ingredients will purchase it from you, despite such transactions being forbidden without a charter. Raw Ebony is a valuable commodity, mostly found in well-guarded mines. Ebony smuggling is a profitable but dangerous source of illegal wealth on Vvardenfell." Tendris Vedran and Anarenen Raw ebony is protected by Imperial law, and may not be mined or exported without an Imperial charter.

elder scrolls ebony armor

Raw ebony itself is an extremely hard, durable, black glass-like substance, said to be the crystallized blood of the gods. "Raw ebony is one of the most precious substances in the Empire, and most of the continent's deposits are here on Vvardenfell.

Elder scrolls ebony armor